Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Today we are taking a look at the new Alter Nation action figures from Panda Mony toys. A new line of action figures that feature mostly animal/human hybrid characters. All the sample figures I received from them for review include window box packaging with colorful artwork, multiple accessories, a mini character comic book and an action figure with multiple points of articulation.

First up is Sabotage, not an animal/human hybrid but a cyber-soldier. Sabotage is one of the bigger, deluxe figures from the line. He includes a light/sound function activated by a small button on his back. He also includes an attached powered (and spring loaded, articulated) assist for one of his arms, looks great with the giant sci-fi mini gun. He has a smaller but still pretty big second gun, as well as a combat knife. He stands over 6” tall.

Next up is El Ray, he includes multiple points of articulation on his arms and legs as well as a light up function activated on his belt. He comes with 3 weapons, a trident, a harpoon gun pistol and a rocket launcher, also included in my review shipment were the Kickstarter exclusive weapons in day glo orange. El Ray features a bendy tail and stands over 6” tall.

Sham is up next, a very colorful chameleon hybrid with a pretty neat set of accessories as well as a switch on his back that not only turns his eyes different directions but also sticks out his very long tongue. His accessories include a book that opens to hide his weapons, an explosive pack, a pistol with suppressor and an umbrella with a retracting blade. He stands under 6” tall.

Lastly we have Albert VII. He is the smallest of these 4 figures standing about 5” tall. He includes multiple prank type accessories as well as actual weapons, my review sample also included the kickstarter exclusive ones. 

These figures would be a lot of fun for kids and they have a story that goes with them through the bios on the box, the videos on YouTube and more. Ages 6 and up, get more info and purchase them here: